Building In Progress

A place for my art, crafts, ideas and projects of random.

An illustration of a faceless figure wearing a suit and tie, with a white, featureless face and elongated, claw-like fingers. The background is dark, creating a stark contrast with the figure's pale complexion and formal attire, evoking a mysterious and eerie atmosphere.

Inktober 2021

An illustration of a person with a skeletal structure wrapped around their body, resembling an exoskeleton. The figure holds a skull with large, dark eye sockets over their head. The background is white, highlighting the detailed, eerie interplay between the human form and the skeletal elements.

Inktober 2021

An illustration of a man with glowing white eyes and a smoky aura emanating from his head. The background is bright red, and the text "SHADOW MOON" is written at the top in a bold, stylized font. The man is depicted with a serious expression, wearing a denim jacket over a black shirt.

Inktober 2021


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